
October 9, 2010

SEBILE Stick Shadd 182 and 155 ~ Fast Sinking (FSK) and Sinking (SK) Models

SEBILE Stick Shadd 182 & 155 Fast Sinking (FSK) and Sinking (SK)

Bassdozer says: "The hottest lures for striped bass fishing in New England, the northeast and mid-Atlantic states in 2010 has become the SEBILE Stick Shadd 182 and 155 in Fast Sinking (FSK) and Sinking (SK) models, as well as the SEBILE Fast Sinking Magic Swimmer 190 FSK."

The hottest SEBILE lures for striped bass are the Stick Shadd 182 (top), Magic Swimmer 190 FSK (center), Stick Shadd 155 (bottom).

Model Size Weight Type Level Line Test
Stick Shadd 182 FSK FW 7-1/4" / 182mm 5-1/4 oz / 156g Fast Sinking 5 to 30 ft 30 to 65 lb
Stick Shadd 182 SK FW 7-1/4" / 182mm 4-3/8 oz / 132g Sinking 3 to 20 ft 20 to 65 lb
Stick Shadd 155 FSK FW 6-1/4" / 155mm 3-7/8 oz / 116g Fast Sinking 3 to 20 ft 25 to 50 lb
Stick Shadd 155 SK FW 6-1/4" / 155mm 3 oz / 84g Sinking 2 to 15 ft 20 to 40 lb

FW = Full Wire Reinforced. These are lures of exceptional strength for brutes that can destroy ordinary lures. A doubled stainless wire, welded for maximum strength, runs through these lures from end to end, along with extra strong hooks and split rings.

How to Fish a Flow, Tide or Current with the Stick Shadd Sinking and Fast Sinking

In terms of fishing in saltwater, in particular for current-loving striped bass, the real secret to success, the most important thing to understand is that you do not work a Stick Shad SK or FSK. It works for you. You need a cross-sweep, and you need to slack line a Stick Shadd SK or FSK, using the sweep to activate it. Any tight line or rod pull will negate the action. Any working against the flow will negate the action. Work with the flow with a slack line drift. This is a different approach than any other striper plug. Most other plugs float meaning have a specific gravity or buoyancy greater than one (1). SK amd FSK Stick Shadds do not. Swimming plugs with a specific gravity greater than one, you always require some resistance (no matter how slight, even if just thumbing line while a plug drifts) to work the attached lip or angled darter or bottle plug head based on resistance to it. This resistance drives them under and wiggles them. Most guys do not understand the Stick Shadd SK and FSK. Resistance they are accustomed to using to activate all other plugs instead negates an SK's or FSK's action. To explain in terms of fly fishing, it is more like drifting a weighted nymph or a sinking streamer fly for trout - but even more so since it is only a slack line drift that allows a Stick Shadd SK or FSK to act like a natural baitfish swimming downtide tail-first.

So rather than cast and retrieve them, the trick is to drift them without reeling. Simply make a quartering cast uptide (they cast like bullets), and let your Sinking or Fast Sinking Stick Shadd drift back down with the tide past you. Only reel enough to take in excess slack, but never let the line come completely tight. Always have some slack play in the line. As the SK or FSK swings directly in front of you, if you know what to feel for, you will feel a pronounced tug pull tight on the line - which is the slack line snapped tight and the Sinking or Fast Sinking Stick Shadd suddenly jumping, turning about face as it stems the tide and then starts to rise swiftly as water pushes against it and against the line. This is the high percentage point to get hit - the exact moment the drifting plug snaps tight, turns about-face and begins struggling to rise up in the water column.

Next, if there is any bottom structure, a rock, a pool or eddy where stripers liek to hold, then you need to position yourself and your cast to have the Sinking of Fast Sinking snap about-face and rise right in front of their noses. When I say rise, for a few seconds, it's very much a loose line rise with as little line tension as possible. In fact, after a few seconds, you may desire to freespool line if the water pressure is starting to build too much line tension. If no hit, simply let the plug swing on as slack a line as possible all the way downtide from you. You may need to freespool line to keep the tension out of it. A second high percentage hit point is at the very end of the drift as the plug almost washes up onto the beach - almost parallel to the shoreline. There really is no line retrieval involved (except to reel in to make another cast).

Another comparison is that, if you know the art and subtle nuances of drifting a weightless live eel - then you know how to fish this plug. The key to Sinking or fast Sinking Stick Shadd success is to drift one the same as a weightless live eel.

Which Model to Use When

Use the 5-1/4 oz Stick Shadd 182 FSK in the heaviest winds, the roughest water, the fastest flows and/or the deepest locations. Also when you need to cast the furthest to reach distant fish or drop-offs.

Use the 4-3/8 oz Stick Shadd 182 SK or the 3-7/8 oz Stick Shadd 155 FSK for various moderate conditions of wind, tide and depth.

Use the 3 oz Stick Shadd 155 SK for lighter winds, flatter or calmer sea conditions, slower flows and/or shallower locations.

The Stick Shadd 182 and 155 come in Fast Sinking and Sinking models that look identical, except for the inscriptions under their tails.

Size comparison of Stick Shadd 182 (top in photos) and 152 (bottom in photos).

Photos show the sharp-edged Power Keel runnign the length of the lure's belly.

The Power Keel underneath the body of the Stick Shadd helps the lure to slide through the water with less resistance, increasing the action you are able to give to the lure whether a steady retrieve, twitches and jerks, and also helping that bait to slide in the air for longer casts – so important sometimes for fast moving fish or while fishing breakers but keeping the boat away in the safe zone.

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ 7-1/4", 5-1/4 oz

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Ghostescent  $34.99

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Golden Green Shiner  (like a mossbunker or menhaden color)

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ American Shad  (like a traditional blue herring color)

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural White Perch | 8 (like a green mackerel color)

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural Shiner | 8

Stick Shadd 182 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural Gold Shiner

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ 7-1/4", 4-3/8 oz

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Ghostescent  $32.99

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Golden Green Shiner  (like a mossbunker or menhaden color)

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ American Shad  (like a traditional blue herring color)

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Natural White Perch | 8 (like a green mackerel color)

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Natural Mullet

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Natural Shiner | 8

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Natural Gold Shiner

Stick Shadd 182 SK Sinking ~ Blue Sea Chrome | 8

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ 6-1/4", 3-7/8 oz

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Ghostescent  $29.99

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Golden Green Shiner  (like a mossbunker or menhaden color)

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ American Shad  (like a traditional blue herring color)

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural White Perch | 8 (like a green mackerel color)

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural Shiner | 8

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ Natural Gold Shiner

Stick Shadd 155 FSK Fast Sinking ~ 6-1/4", 3 oz

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Ghostescent  $28.49

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Natural Shiner

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Golden Green Shiner  (like a mossbunker or menhaden color)

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ American Shad  (like a traditional blue herring color)

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Natural White Perch  (like a green mackerel color)

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Natural Mullet

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Natural Gold Shiner

Stick Shadd 155 SK Sinking ~ Blue Sea Chrome | 8

For pricing and availability of SEBILE Fast Sinking Magic Swimmers, please visit

Note that these are larger and heavier than average fishing lures, so shipping cost will be commensurately higher for larger, heavier packages.

Thank you for your business. May your next fishing trip be your best ever!

