Pro Buzzbaits
The Pro Buzzbait is one of the easiest of all buzzbaits to get up on plane. Also one of the slowest surface-crawling buzzbaits. The secret is its two-dimensional planing surfaces - both flat horizontal and upright vertical hydrodynamic planing surfaces, and its nose is angled upward for even more lift.

Better Hooksets: The oxbow bend in the wire drops the hook lower away from the blade. The wire bend increases the distance of the hook from the blade and puts the hook lower than the blade which simply makes it easier for fish to get hooked.
Reduced Tangling: The wire bend also drops the skirt lower and increases the distance of the skirt from the blade which helps prevent the skirt from tangling the blade.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Pro |
1/4 oz |
.040" |
4/0 |
Pro |
3/8 oz |
.051" |
5/0 |
Pro |
1/2 oz |
.051" |
5/0 |
Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank
Blade: Bright Aluminum or Painted (Gold, Black or Chartreuse) Delta w/chip and scratch resistant finish

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Black Blue Flash w/Black Blade

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Black Neon w/Black Blade

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Dragonfly w/Gold Blade

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Fire Tiger w/Gold Blade

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Natural Frog w/Gold Blade

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Threadfin Hologram

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Super Silver Shad

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ Black Silver Shad
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Pro |
1/4 oz |
.040" |
3/0 |
Pro |
3/8 oz |
.040" |
4/0 |
Hook: Gamakatsu Nickel Long Shank
Blade: Bright Aluminum or Painted (Gold, Black or Chartreuse) Delta w/chip and scratch resistant finish

1/4 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ White Bone

3/8 oz PRO Buzzbait ~ White Bone
Cutout Buzzbaits
Your Search for the SLOWEST Buzzbait ends here!
No matter what brand you care to choose, there's always some marketing guy trying to convince you that Brand A (Brand B, Brand C, every other brand) is the slowest buzzbait, with more lift, that rises to the surface quicker...I'm sure you've heard the marketing rhetoric many times.
You've tried the rest, now here is the absolutely SLOWEST buzzbait. You do the math. It's simple. The Cutout buzzbait has six (6) paddles lifting it and keeping it on the surface even at the slowest speed. No other buzzbait has as many paddles making as much lift to keep it up on top. Period.
Huge Wake Easy to Track at Night. Not only is the Cutout the slowest buzzbait - it also leaves a long trail of bubbles directly behind it as it throws a huge V wake off to both sides as it swims along the surface so slowly This makes it one of the very best buzzbaits for night fishing since the bubble trail behind it plus the huge V wake spreading out to the sides make the Cutout buzzbait very easy for bass to track it on the surface at night.
Cutout Blade: The large aluminum or painted blade has the center cut out. This allow a small, counter-rotating Quad blade made of durable Lexan plastic to be inserted inside the Cutout blade.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Cutout |
3/8 oz |
.051" |
5/0 |
Cutout |
1/2 oz |
.051" |
5/0 |
Premium Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank

3/8 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Black Blue Tip

3/8 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Black Red Flash

3/8 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Ghost White

3/8 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Super Silver Shad

3/8 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ June Bug Bluegill

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Fire Tiger

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Natural Frog

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Black Neon

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Black Blue Flash

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ Shad-A-Delic

1/2 oz CUTOUT Buzzbait ~ White Flash #2
Quad Buzzbaits
Quad Blades: Quad blades are ideal for a slow. gurgling retrieve especially under calm water conditions. The durable Lexan plastic material is virtually unbreakable. These are super free spinning blades. They produce a more subtle, bubbling action, a smoother wake and more of a whirring noise compared to metal blades. Each blade comes with a pop rivet installed in the back of the blade which turns against a second rivet on the wire arm, and these metal components produce a high-pitched squeal or squeak.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Quad |
1/4 oz |
.040" |
4/0 |
Quad |
1/2 oz |
.051" |
5/0 |
Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank

1/2 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ Black Blue w/Blue Blade

1/2 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ Black Blue w/Black Blade

1/2 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ Black Red w/Black Blade

1/2 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ Junebug Bluegill w/Black Blade

1/2 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ White Shad w/Clear Glitter Blade

1/4 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ Black Blue w/Black Blade

1/4 oz Pro QUAD Buzzbait ~ Black Red w/Black Blade

1/4 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ White Shad w/Red Blade

1/4 oz QUAD Buzzbait ~ White Shad w/Clear Glitter Blade
Style C Buzzbaits
Bassdozer says: "I'm sure you've often heard the marketing rhetoric repeated all the time about how a buzzbait should be worked very slowly, right? That's true only at night. During the day, a faster-moving buzzbait can trigger more strikes than the old school slow buzzbaits - just nobody told the marketing guys who are probably better golfers or guitarists than anglers. It's kind of like years ago when everyone said to slowly pop a topwater popper - but today the popper's proven better when worked rapidly to spit!-spit!-spit! rather than slowly pop...same thing with the's a myth that a slow buzzbait is always the best speed."
The Need for Speed: Style C is the choice for "burning" or working an area quickly to trigger bass into those instinctive, explosive reaction strikes.
More Vibration: Style C really generates a strong vibration like a crankbait makes that you can feel pulsing in your rod tip.
Heavy Cover: With it's streamlined, bullet-shaped nose, the Style C comes through grass and heavy cover while remaining weedless and snagless compared to your typical wider buzzbait heads.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Style C |
3/8 oz |
.040" |
4/0 |
Style C |
1/2 oz |
.040" |
5/0 |
Style C |
3/4 oz |
.051" |
6/0 |
Premium Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank
Blade: Bright Aluminum or Painted (Gold, Black or Chartreuse) Delta w/chip and scratch resistant finish

3/8 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Smallie Special w/Chartreuse Blade

3/8 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ White

3/8 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Black Purple w/Black Blade

3/8 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Black Red w/Black Blade

1/2 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Chartreuse White Silver w/Chartreuse Blade

1/2 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Ghost White

1/2 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ June Bug Bluegill w/Black Blade

1/2 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Black Neon w/Black Blade

1/2 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Black Blue Flash w/Black Blade

3/4 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Chartreuse White Hologram w/Chartreuse Blade

3/4 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ White Silver

3/4 oz Buzzbait ~ Style C ~ Black Blue Red w/Black Blade
Rapper Buzzbaits
The Rapper buzzbait has a broad, keeled planing head shaped like a boat hull. Best of all, the blade raps against the top of the head creating a loud clacking sound that infuriates bass. The wire arm can be fine-tuned to adjust the noise level ranging from not hitting the head at all (like a standard buzzbait) to lightly hitting the head or hitting it hard.
Bassdozer says: "Never underestimate the fish-calling attraction of the clacking sound. Think of it like chumming with noise to call fish over to your bait from a longer distance - from as far away as they can hear the loud clack. I think many anglers shy away from using the loud clacking buzzbaits because we are constantly told to be subtle, stealthy, natural in our approaches with lures. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to these Rapper buzzbaits. Most of the time under a variety of water, wind and light conditions, I tend to attract and catch more fish under all conditions with the Rapper buzzbait tuned to emit a loud clack."
One other neat thing about the clacking is the loudness almost self-adjusts depending on whether the surface conditions are smooth or choppy. When the surface is slick, the clack will be more subdued but when the surface is rippled or rough, the clack seems louder. I liken this to an off-road vehicle when driving down a smooth, paved highway, the vehicle is quiet, but get off-road on rough terrain and all the bouncing causes the vehicle to rattle and clang, making more noise. I think a rough surface does the same thing with this buzzbait by bouncing it around more and causing it to produce a louder clack in rippled or choppy water.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Rapper |
3/8 oz |
.040" |
5/0 |
Rapper |
1/2 oz |
.040" |
5/0 |
Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank
Blade: Bright Aluminum or Painted (Gold, Black or Chartreuse) Delta w/chip and scratch resistant finish

1/2 oz RAPPER Buzzbait ~ White Shad

1/2 oz RAPPER Buzzbait Head

1/2 oz Rapper Buzzbait ~ Sunfish w/Gold Blade

1/2 oz RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Black Blue w/Gold Blade

1/2 oz RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Black Red w/Gold Blade

1/2 oz RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Junebug Bluegill w/Gold Blade
Bassdozer's Mini Rapper Buzzbaits Produce Big Results
I'm proud to say...there's nothing else quite like these deadly little buzzbaits on the market. Please enjoy!

The Rapper buzzbait has a broad, keeled planing head shaped like a boat hull. Best of all, the blade raps against the top of the head creating a loud clacking sound that infuriates bass. The wire arm can be fine-tuned to adjust the noise level ranging from not hitting the head at all (like a standard buzzbait) to lightly hitting the head or hitting it hard.
Model |
Weight |
Wire |
Hook |
Mini Rapper |
1/4 oz |
.040" |
4/0 |
Hook: Mustad Ultra Point Black Nickel Long Shank
Blade: Bright Aluminum or Painted (Gold, Black or Chartreuse) Delta w/chip and scratch resistant finish

Handy size comparison.
The Mini Rapper's made using SkirtsPlus Hole-In-One half-skirts and the strands are sandwiched and glued in between an inner hub and outer band. This means the strands can never move or wiggle out from under or fall out of the skirt. Each strand is locked and glued in place fairly permanently. Note that it would be impossible to use a full-size skirt on these because the full skirt strands would get wrapped up and tangle in the revolving blade. The half-skirt however is the perfect size. It's just not possible for the short strands to wrap in the blade.
Best of all, the short hairs bend all the way back and fold over on the retrieve. With the short strands bent all the way back when the lure is moving forward, it causes an effect where the short strands resemble the head and gill flaps of a baitfish, and the short hairs pulse forward-and-backward like fish gills gasping for breath whenever the bait falters.
Bassdozer says: "This is a compact buzzbait with a short wire arm plus a half-skirt, making it almost jig-sized - but the real beauty is that the blade and the hook aren't tiny - it's a relatively large blade that produces a lot of bubbling commotion and clacking, and even though it's a big blade, the overall balance of the buzzbait is perfect. It does not torque to the side when tuned to run straight."

Don't forget the trailer hooks. Simply, you will catch more fish! 2/0 Mustad KVD hook shown. Trailer hooks sold separately in Bassdozer's store.

1/4 oz MINI RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Orange Belly Bluegill w/Gold Blade

1/4 oz MINI RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Black Silver Shad

1/4 oz MINI RAPPER Buzzbait ~ Shad-A-Delic
For pricing and current availability, please visit
Thank you for your business. May your next fishing trip be your best ever!
Bass-t Regards,
Russ Bassdozer