
September 9, 2012

Evergreen Combat Crank Series ~ 120, 250, 320 480

Combat Cranks come in many different models and depths, however the Combat Crank 120, 250, 320 and 480 are Bassdozer's best choices of the myriad Combat Crank models/sizes. These four cover the water column and bottom depths from shallow, medium, deep to extra deep - and these four that have the reputations as the best fish-catchers.

Model Size Weight Depth Type Hooks
Combat Crank 120 2-3/8” (58mm) 7/16 oz (12.6g) 3-4ft Shallow runner. Floating/diving. Rattling. Two #6
Combat Crank 250 2-3/8” (58mm) 1/2 oz (13.7g) 5-8ft Medium runner. Floating/diving. Rattling. Two #6
Combat Crank 320 2-1/2” (68mm) 9/16 oz (16.5g) 7 to 10ft Deep runner. Floating/diving. Rattling. Two #4
Combat Crank 480 3” (75mm) 15/16 oz (26g) 13-17ft Extra deep runner. Floating/diving. Rattling. Two #2

The reputation of the Combat Crank has preceded its availability in the USA. Avid bass anglers know about this lure series in the USA even though they were not yet for sale here (until now).

Available in several different models and diving depths, the shallow-running Combat Crank 120 in addition to the medium-running 250 are the two best known models. In particular, the Combat Crank 250 is the one model has distinguished itself as the all-around best and most productive of the Combat Crank series.

The deep-diving 320 and extra deep diving 480 are new to anglers in the USA but are gaining acceptance quickly.

All models and sizes cast well since they have a tungsten weight transfer system. All rattle and all are killer crankbaits.

About Evergreen

There are still many bass lure models and leading brands that haven't made it out of Japan to the USA. The first Japanese brand to establish a strong US market beginning approximately twelve years ago (circa 2000) was Lucky Craft. In years to follow, up through today, other big hard bait brands from Japan like Megabass, Jackall, deps, ima, DUO (to name a few) and now Evergreen have established distributorships in the USA.

Evergreen International is said to be the leading bass tackle manufacturer in Japan today. Photo by Lure Magazine.

Despite being the #1 brand in Japan, Evergreen's products are virtually unknown in the USA.

For the past few years, Evergreen has sponsored several pro anglers in the USA and they've done well using the Evergreen product models that will be offered in the USA. In addition to Bassmaster Elite pro Morizo Shimizu, Evergreen has established a largely western pro staff in the USA that including Brett Hite, Justin Kerr, Shaun Bailey and John Morrow.

FLW Tour pro Brett Hite, an Evergreen pro-staffer lifts nice smallie on the Evergreen Combat Crank 250.

Combat Crank 120 ~ Shallow Diver

Evergreen Combat Crank 120 ~ Pre-spawn Dynamite #19

Evergreen Combat Crank 120 ~ Fire Craw-N BONE #N64

Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Baby Gill #50 2

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Big Shad #257

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Fire Craw-N BONE #N64

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Gill #246

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Lime Dazzler #215

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Mat Hot Tiger #46

Evergreen Combat Crank 250 ~ Medium Diver ~ Pre-spawn Dynamite #19

Combat Crank 320 ~ Deep Diver

Evergreen Combat Crank 320 ~ Deep Diver ~ Grass Gill #231

Combat Crank 480 ~ Extra Deep Diver

Evergreen Combat Crank 480 ~ Extra Deep Diver ~ Hologram Smelt #209

Click to visit www.BassdozerStore.comFor pricing and current availability, please visit

Thank you for your business. May your next fishing trip be your bass-t ever!

Bass-t Regards,

Russ Bassdozer