Length: 2.36" / 60mm
Weight: 3/8 oz
Type: Square bill. Shallow-diver. Multi-depth transformable lip. Tight rolling action at any speed.
Depth: 1 ft with lip clicked down. 5 ft with lick clicked up.
The Knuckle 60 incorporates Megabass’ unique FX System, utilizing a transformable square-bill lip that can be user-adjusted to target specific depths. When adjusted to the down position, the crank runs one foot deep. When the bill is clicked into the up position, it will run five feet deep.
The multi-function bill is anchored by the ‘knuckle’ mechanism, which firmly holds the bill in each user-adjusted position, thus keeping the bill stable in place.
It has a fixed weight for balance. meaning it doesn't rattle.
Transformation Technology
Lip clicked up - The Knuckle 60 will maintain its depth at 5 feet. It performs a hi-pitch, wobble-roll action. Unlike past shallow cranks, it performs aggressive flashing equal to that of vibration cranks, even in obstacle-free mid-range waters. These stimulating and sharp vibrations displace a lot of water, and will reach and captivate cruising fish swimming much deeper in the water column or on bottom.
Lip clicked down - The Knuckle 60 will maintain right under the surface at a depth of 1 foot. It displays its high-tempo swimming motion with its hi-pitch vibrating action. Furthermore, when twitched and jerked on the surface, this setting allows for a wide range of versatile topwater actions.
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