Model: Vision 110 Square Bill
Length: 4.35"
Weight: 1/2 oz
Type: Floating/diving
Depth Range: 4 ft.
This is the square lip model of the immensely successful Megabass Vision 110 jerkbait series. The Square Bill is designed for shallow applications. By targeting the 4 foot range, and changing the original oval bill to a reinforced square lip, the lure 'bites' into the water more effectively, making the darting motions from power jerking sharper. The strong vibrations emitted by this movement are great at reaching wandering bass and turning finicky fish into reaction feeders.
Top: Original Vision 110. Below: Vision 110 Square Bill
The square lip channels the flow of water along the belly and tail, making fast, high tempo fishing possible. Primarily designed for shallow water applications, the ONETEN SQUARE BILL is also great for inlets, backwater areas, and targeting river bass.
Megabass Vision 110 Square Bill ~ Floating/Diving Jerkbait ~
#9 Glitter Ayu
Megabass Vision 110 Square Bill ~ Floating/Diving Jerkbait ~
#8 Ito Wakasagi
Megabass Vision 110 Square Bill ~ Floating/Diving Jerkbait ~
#3 Wagin Galaxy Wakasagi
Megabass Vision 110 Square Bill ~ Floating/Diving Jerkbait ~
#2 Wagin Hasu II